The Top 3 Benefits of Creating a Blog for Your Business

Blogs are your new BFF. Truly.

They're the perfect wing-woman.

Not only do they highlight your expertise, but they show that you're a trusted resource to your readers and Google.

Think about it…whenever you ask Google a question she answers with a thoroughly researched and thought-out blog. You then get to decide if you’ll indulge in reading the whole piece or part of it – skimming to find your exact answer. 

These info-articles are not only helpful but also genius. They provide valuable information while (usually) promoting a product or service. 

More and more companies are using blogs to their advantage. Businesses know consumers are smart and don’t want to be fed an impersonal ad. This leads to thinking outside of the marketing box. 

Result? Blogs.

But are they really working? Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits.

Increase Organic Traffic to Your Website

Informationative copy articles are not new. They’ve been around for a bit – but their rise in popularity in the digital high school is growing. Why? They’re super effective.

I may be a little biased since I LOVE this form of copywriting. However, I’m not a lone fan of this type of marketing. According to Tech Client, blogs are the winner when it comes to driving traffic to your website. 

Check out these statistics on companies that use this type of marketing versus ones that don’t –

  • 97% more indexed and inbound links

  • 90% of customers find this type of informative content useful 

  • 70% of people find a company through articles versus traditional ads

And honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Build Solid Relationships and Trust With Clients

The reason people trust this form of marketing is that it comes from a place of value. Businesses that use informative articles to highlight their products are not giving you a basic overview. They’re providing a service of sharing their expert knowledge in their industry. 

Need an example?

Let’s use a gynecological clinic that is already creating content as our reference.

This clinic has a post that talks about the changes happening in women's reproductive rights in their state. At the end of the article, they express their alignment with females having the right to choose. They inform their reader on how they’re specifically working to make their clinic a safe space. As a call to action at the end of the article, they offer a free consultation to speak to the doctors about how to navigate the new legislation.

See how this business is not only an active voice in their industry but also highlighting their specific advances and services. This gynecological clinic created content that is topical to their clients and provides value. 

Result? Trust from their clients.

This is what’s really cool thing about this type of marketing. You’re able to share your knowledge with the people that need it most, while also gaining new customers. 

Highlight Your Industry Expertise

There’s a reason you have the knowledge that you do – time, experience, and education. All of those years of work you've put into honing your skills are paying off and getting you to the place you want to be in your career. 

But you still want more. You know you are an industry expert. You want your voice and experience heard by more people. This is where consistency with content creation shines.

Think about it, when you’re in need of advice you seek the person with the highest expertise. 

How do you find this expert?

Usually, from a Google search. Those search results bring you to an article that has all of your answers laid out in a digestible way.

This is the power of blogs.

When you create consistent content on your website, you showcase your knowledge and skills. This value translates to Google and in turn boosts your ranking in search results.

Want to hear another plus?

Your content cultivates an online community for the exact audience you desire. When you use digital marking to your advantage you become a trusted resource. Not only can you feel good about providing desperately needed information, but you also get the win of growing your online reach.

In fact, many successful people have become experts in their fields through the strategic use of SEO-infused blogs.

So let’s talk more about how you can create content and copy you can in this highly-demanded space.

How to Create Your Own Blog

I’m a big believer in knowledge being power – but only when it’s aligned with action. While creating your own content might seem overwhelming, the nuts and bolts of setting up a blog are not. 

If you have a website on Squarespace or another website hosting platform, you’re already halfway to the finish line. That was fast, wasn’t it?

These platforms are set up for entrepreneurs and small businesses. They know their customers are not professional IT people or website builders. Thus, everything is created to make their customer's experience as painless and straightforward as possible.

It’s as easy as “adding a page” to your current site and following the steps to write (or copy and paste) and publish. 

Whenever you start down the path of creating your own content you want to answer these questions –

Who is my audience?

This pertains to your targeted clientele. The best results come from knowing the specifics in what your clients want to learn. Remember, you aren’t writing in your journal. It’s not about you. This is the place you want to talk directly to your client, speaking to their needs and desires.

What value am I sharing?

Everyone knows when they’re reading BS and no one likes it. You’re an expert in your field. Show and share your skills. 

Comfort your reader by showing off your expertise. The less fluff and more value you share, the more Google will look to you as an industry leader. 

What’s the point of this piece or call to action?

Every piece of copy and marketing has a call to action. This means that there is an action the writer wants you to take after reading. A common call to action asks the reader to book an appointment or sign up for a newsletter. 

 This is the whole point of the article. Without having a call to action at the end you’re leaving your potential clients hanging.

The Most Crucial Step in Creating Content

Any writing you put on the internet has one purpose – to be read. If you’re not great at writing or don’t know SEO best practices, you could be wasting a lot of your precious time. You would never read one medical book and decide you know how to perform surgery. So why do it when it comes to marketing? 

The truth is, the companies that are doing the best have strategic digital marketing teams behind them. They know SEO, industry trends, and how to get eyeballs on your website. 

Hiring an expert is one of the best investments you can make for your company. In fact, if you look at the ROI from digital marketing you will discover that it’s one of the most lucrative ways to grow your online business. 

The key to any sort of marketing strategy is finding the right fit. The perfect professional who understands your company, your voice, and of course your goals. 

When I link arms with another business or entrepreneur I make sure you soar. My strategy? I do the work. I spend time doing thorough research, asking you specific questions, and of course, working alongside you every step of the way.  I want you to win, I want to champion you and your business.

Together we will use our skills to amplify your voice and mission. 

There’s only one thing I need to know, are you ready to take the next step and create an online community?

If so, let’s talk. 


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